I am very excited about a new “online” video series from the Coronary Health Improvement Project, that I attended 2 years ago as I was recovering from my heart attack. I beg you to take the time and with all the attention you can muster – pay attention to what the videos say – it could save your life.  These videos are short condensed versions of the one hour long videos we watched in the CHIP classes but these are worth every short minute they take. Please put your prejudice and pride aside for a few minutes – you will thank me.

Dr. Diehl presents compelling video presentations on health topics…

Once you have watched the videos at least once – explore their site and see if there is a CHIP program near you that you or your loved ones could attend. All of you matter to me, very much. Remember, I love you for who you are and I am only sending this plea because I care for your health and welfare. Be sure to watch the videos – if you are listening – it will change your life – positively and forever.
Be sure to email me with your reaction to the video series – I want to know if it touched your heart.