Beep, beep, beep – wake up! It’s time to start a new day.

As you begin your daily morning routine getting lunches packed, kids ready for school and yourself out the door – the American Dietetic Association reminds you to be sure breakfast is one of your family?s top priorities each morning.

Breakfast is important to everyone?s overall health and performance. It is an early-morning refuelling stop for your body. After eight to 12 hours without a meal or a snack, your body needs to replenish its glucose, also called blood sugar, the main energy source for the brain.

Studies show breakfast eaters tend to have more strength and endurance, and better concentration and problem-solving abilities. On the flip side, those who skip breakfast often feel tired, irritable or restless in the morning.

Breakfast is essential to children’s health and nutrition and gives them a jump-start on their day’s daily requirements for vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Research shows kids who regularly eat a morning meal tend to perform better in school, often scoring higher on tests. Kids who skip breakfast tend to be tardy or absent from school more often. Breakfast eaters often behave better in school, too.

Don’t forget who else should eat breakfast: Your Kids who see their parents eat breakfast are more likely to eat breakfast, too. If time is a concern for you in the mornings, start the day with quick breakfast options, like:

Whole-grain cereal with fruit and milk
Whole-grain cereal with a cup of yogurt
Toasted waffles topped with peanut butter
Instant oatmeal with milk and dried fruit

If your taste buds just don’t crave breakfast foods, enjoy a sandwich or leftovers like pizza, pasta or rice in the morning. Just make sure to start your day the healthy way – with breakfast!