The fact is that most people never had a proper education regarding nutrition and its effect on your health. It can build you, sustain you, or burden you with disease, pain and premature death.

If I had been properly educated in public school with the simple knowledge I have now I would have likely avoided a lot of my earlier health problems that resulted in blocked arteries, a heart attack and subsequent surgery that hurt like hell for months after. It took me 3 years to feel as good as I did before and 5 years before I started planning a future again. It was a shock to have died and resuscitated at 48 years of age. I was, like many others I know, convinced that I would live forever. I thought I was immortal and then suddenly, I wasn’t.

I hope that the pages on this website will give you a good start to a better tomorrow. I have published this to share what I learned since that event.